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How To Repair A Broken Or Discolored Teeth???

How To Repair A Broken Or Discolored Teeth ???

We, Kapil Dental Clinic And Implant Center are here with the latest technique by which a broken tooth can be repaired i.e. VENEERING.
Veneers are thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials that are bonded to the surface of the front teeth to correct the imperfections of the teeth. They give a natural appearance to the teeth and teeth look attractive.
Dental Veneers
Veneering is a cosmetic technique that improves the appearance of the teeth and create a durable and pleasing smile. The two most commonly used materials in dental veneers are composite resin and porcelain.
Porcelain Veneers

Veneering can be done in following cases:
  1. Tooth discoloration due to any smoking stains or fluorosis.
  2. Broken or chipped teeth
  3. Attrited teeth
  4. Gap between the front teeth or misaligned teeth
  5. Irregular tooth length
  6. If teeth are uneven

Veneers require 2-3 dental visits. And with proper care they may last for 5 to 10 years.

Our Cosmetic Dentist at "Kapil Dental Clinic And Implant Center" will remove a small amount of the tooth surface i.e. 0.5mm for the placement of the veneers. Or it can  be done without any such procedure.
The shade will be matched accordingly.
Shade Selection
Then an impression will  be taken and sent to the laboratory.
The dental veneer is then made to fit the tooth and mouth.
It is then bonded to the tooth surface with the help of resin cement.

Dental veneers should be cleaned like your own teeth to remove food debris and dental plaque bacteria.
Proper brushing is required 2 to 3 times a day with a fluoridated toothpaste.
Flossing is done atleast once a day with a proper technique.

For more details and a consultation of cosmetic dentist visit us at Kapil Dental Clinic And Implant Center or Call us at +91-9811733823/01147523823 to schedule a appointment.
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